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"If Sophia LoreIf Sophia Loren and Caravaggio had a daughter it would be Tiara."


"Beautiful, intelligent, instinctively knows how to dominate."


"Never met anyone like her....just the best."


"In this field of the ordinary here is a shining star. Body, communication,   empathy and femininity. If you meet with Tiara she will exceed your expectations."


"Miss Tiara is special. I don't use that word lightly either. She dominates so effortlessly that submission to her comes natural."


"Miss Tiara is absolutely stunning, extremly intelligent, highly educated, and truly dominant. What an amazing Mistress!"


"Incredibly beautiful, devilishly intelligent. Conducted the session very well and gradually led me through a slow build-up of pleasure until the final ecstasy."


 "Superb mistress. Passionate about delivering a genuine and satisfying experience."



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